Frimpong using love of God and basketball to motivate team

By Kailyn Fradette
Tracy Frimpong, #10, returns to Briercrest College for her second year on the women’s basketball team. She is currently working towards a Bachelor of Arts in the Business Administration program. The power forward is an important player on team. In addition to her talent and skills on the court, she also provides a strong leadership position.
Head coach Chad Romanuk has been pleased with Frimpong’s contribution to the team.
"Tracy is a very strong, passionate and skilled player who absolutely loves the game of basketball,” Romanuk explained. “Tracy led our team in field goal percentage last year and was second in both scoring and rebounding. I expect Tracy to provide much of the same for us again this year, and to improve on her rookie year in the ACAC."
When asked what brought her to Briercrest, Frimong said, “God of course, although I didn't realize it at the time. I previously played for Olds College and I was ready to move on and continue my degree. I looked at colleges that offered the business degree but still competed in the ACAC. Briercrest was one of the schools that offered the program and I had been really searching for something in life but I wasn’t sure what. I was raised in a Christian home, but at that point in my life I didn't know if I could really call myself a ‘Christian.’ So, once I came across Briercrest as a school I could potentially go to I decided to come here and strengthen my relationship with Christ as well as play the sport that I love.”
Her basketball team is the source of many of her happy memories at Briercrest.
“The dance parties that my teammates and I have on home game days after shoot around,” Frimpong says when recounting her favourite memories. “As well as beating Red Deer in front of our home crowd last year!”
Despite having such a small line up this year, Tracy sees that there is something very special about the dynamics on the team.
“We all have something in common: our love for God,” she explains. “With that knowledge, I know that we are not just teammates but we are sisters. We're such a hard working, dedicated, united team. I love that I can approach any of them during a tough day and they show me love, compassion and care.”
In addition to her goal as an athlete, she also has strong goals as a student.
“As a student, I want to soak up everything that my professors are saying during Bible classes so that I can use what I'm learning in my daily life. It is such a unique experience to be able to learn about God and still take business courses as I complete my degree.”
Tracy brings many qualities to her team but she feels that her biggest strength is her resilience.
“I realize that God has a purpose for everything that happens in life so I persevere through tough times and rejoice during good times,” she explains. “A lot of that I've learned from my mom. She is just resilient and tough, but yet is still a caring role model. She has taught me so much about God and how wonderful His plans are.”
When Tracy finishes her education, she has several ambitions for a family, furthered education and a career in the athletic world.
“After Briercrest I plan on getting my certification to become an accountant and get my masters (MBA). I want to get married, have kids and be heavily involved in the local church. I want to start a worldwide program were less fortunate kids are provided with basketballs and proper shoes so that they can play this game that has provided me with so much joy. My dream is to coach! I would love to coach in the ACAC one day.”
The Briercrest women’s basketball team is lucky to have Tracy as one of their players and wishes her the best of luck in her future!