Christian Ministry Faculty/Program Coordinator

Posted: November 2, 2021


Briercrest College invites applications for a full-time faculty position that oversees our Christian Ministry program—both teaching within and leading the program, mentoring, and guiding its students through academic and experiential learning opportunities, and interfacing with the church commencing August 1st, 2022. 

The successful candidate will be an enthusiastic teacher, planner, organizer, and leader within our Christian liberal arts environment.  Further, they will lead our established Christian Ministry department in Briercrest's engaging intellectual and spiritual environment where the liberal arts, alongside biblical studies, stand at the core of all undergraduate degree programs. While a Ph.D. is preferred, candidates should possess a Master’s degree in a relevant field, with considerable church ministry experience.

Questions about the nature of the post may be directed to the Provost & Dean of the College, Dr. Don Taylor (

Briercrest College and Seminary is a private, confessional post-secondary institution in the evangelical Protestant tradition. Candidates must be committed to historic Christian orthodoxy and be sympathetic to the traditions of the college. All employees agree to sign a doctrinal statement and code of conduct. Information about the school can be found at the institutional web site,


Applicants should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, writing sample, statement of educational philosophy, evidence of teaching effectiveness, sample of syllabi and exams, and three professional letters of reference to Mr. Adrian Leister, Director of Human Resources ( 510 College Drive, Briercrest College, Caronport, SK, S0H 0S0.

Application will be received until January 14, 2022.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply. However, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority. While Briercrest College and Seminary hires on merit, we are committed to the principle of equity in employment, welcoming diversity and encouraging applications from all qualified women and men, including persons with disabilities, members of visible minorities, and Indigenous persons.

View our Institutional Covenant


All employees of Briercrest College and Seminary are required to sign and adhere to our Institutional Covenant.

Please send all resumes to [javascript protected email address] .