Mens volleyball bitten again in defeat to Medicine Hat

Both teams bit hard in the Rattlers vs. Briercrest 2nd home-game of the weekend, which resulted in an equally-matched and undeserved defeat for Briercrest. Both teams exchanged bite-for-bite and the audience hissed with loud cheers from both sides of the benches, but Briercrest hard efforts couldn’t withstand the bite of the Rattlers and were poisoned with defeat.
The 1st set nail-biter started off with a strong bite from the Medicine Hat Rattlers who sunk their teeth into the defensive line of Briercrest, immediately paralyzing them with a game advantage score of 2-0. Eventually, Briercrest re-gained defensive feeling in their legs and they bit back with a stronghold that took Briercrest to a leading score of 5-4. Later on the game turned into a nail-biter, as both teams remained locked in a tie-game suspense advancing only one point at a time. But, Medicine Hat bit harder in the over-time, nail-biting set, taking the set 31-29.
After the 1st nail-biter set, it was hard to predict where the 2nd set would go, but immediately Briercrest gave strong premonitions -- yet left the crowd on the edge of their seats in unknown suspense -- as Briercrest gained the first point over the Rattlers taking the scoreboard to 1-0, and eventually to 4-2. But just as game premonitions seemed set, the Rattlers sunk their teeth in deep, artfully stealing game advantage and stealing all clear-headed predictions with a score of 11-9. Soon after, the scoreboard read 13-13 and the crowd anticipated the advancement of either team, Calvin Sawatzky broke the tie, 14-13, and Brodie Dolter, from the Rattlers, tied the game back to 15-15. All of this was enough to send the audience to the suspenseful edges of their stiff tan-coloured seats. The Rattlers won the 2nd set with a final score of 25-21.
The 3rd set, following an extremely suspenseful and unpredictable set, led to Briercrest’s demise starting off in favor of the Medicine Hat Rattlers with a leading score of 3-1. Eventually, Medicine Hat advanced to a leading score of 11-6, and Briercrest continued to battle hard to overcome the bite of the Rattlers. Later on, Matt Ginter advanced the scoreboard for Briercrest, Briercrest had some nice blocks that defeated the Rattlers offensive attacks, and a time-out was called, which left the scoreboard with a score of 15-9 for Medicine Hat. The set ended with a victory score of 25-17 for the Medicine Hat Rattlers who won their 2nd weekend game against Briercrest.
The Player of the Game for Briercrest was Mitch Erickson with a team high 12 kills, 1 ace, and 5 digs.
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