Mens Volleyball battles hard but falls to Medicine Hat in four

Posted: January 8, 2016

Briercrest men’s volleyball began their second half of the season in Margaret P. Reimer Memorial Gymnasium against Medicine Hat College.

Briercrest men’s volleyball won one set but lost three others against Medicine Hat (15-25, 19-25, 29-27, 20-25).

The match started off with a close score and high energy. Medicine Hat soon started to pull ahead though causing Briercrest to call timeout at 14-10. Briercrest was unable to gain momentum so they called timeout once again at 17-11. Briercrest was unable to pull ahead which allowed Medicine Hat to claim the first set 25-15.

The second set started off with both teams battling point-for-point. Medicine Hat soon took the lead causing Briercrest to call timeout at 12-8. Briercrest started to chip away at the score causing Medicine Hat to call timeout at 15-10 for Medicine Hat. Briercrest felt the pressure with a score of 24-19 and called a timeout. Briercrest couldn’t rally back causing Medicine Hat to win the second set 25-19.

Medicine Hat took an early lead causing Briercrest to call timeout at 6-11. Briercrest came back battling allowing them to close the gap. Medicine Hat pulled ahead again but Briercrest wasn’t ready to give up. Both teams started battling point-for-point after going into extra points. Briercrest pushed through and grabbed their first set win of the match with a score of 29-27.

The fourth game started off with both teams battling back-and-forth. Briercrest then fell behind causing them to call timeout at 20-16. They started to chip away at the score in hopes of pulling ahead. Briercrest was unable to get a rally going and lost the final set 25-20.

Calvin Sawatzky was awarded Play of the Game by Briercrest’s President, Michael Pawelke. Sawatzky had one service ace, seven digs and one block along with a team high nine kills. Carter Reimer had a team high of 22 assists. Taylor Klassen and Joel Rosewarm each had a team high of two blocks. Mitch Erickson had a team high of two service aces along with a team high of 13 digs.

Medicine Hat dominated in the stats category with 49-32 kills, 42-30 assists, 7-4 service aces, and 72-61 digs. Briercrest had 7-6 blocks.

For up to date information on the Briercrest Volleyball teams, “like” the Facebook page.