Apakoh adds athletic and leadership dimension to mens basketball program

Julian Apakoh returns to Briercrest for his second year in the Business Administration program and as a leader on the men’s basketball team.
Drawn by the history of the program and what it has done in the ACAC over the years, Julian came to Briercrest to participate in the high level competition with people who share the same passion for basketball and winning that he has.
As a student-athlete, Julian hopes to win a championship and obtain a high GPA. He’d like to play basketball as long as he can once he’s done his schooling, but also has goals in the business world. He hopes one day to own a business with a focus on logistics as well as providing excellent customer service.
Though it is difficult to pin down a specific moment, so far one of Julian’s favourite aspects of his time at Briercrest is the challenge and privilege to compete at a high level while still having fun with a great group of people. He says it is the team’s passion, drive, and competitiveness that make this group special.
“We have a team of young guys this year that are willing to grind it out and work hard until the end of the game no matter what the scoreboard says,” Julian explained. “It’s great to have teammates you can rely on in that area.”
One of Julian’s strengths is found in the tension of being a very aggressive and in-your-face kind of player while also being the kind of leader who looks to encourage and help others on the team as well as opponents whenever he gets a chance. Team spirit and work ethic are traits that he values and pursues during his time at Briercrest.
For up to date information on the Briercrest Basketball teams follow them on Facebook.