Youngest Klassen blazes own trail at Briercrest

Abigael Klassen, hails from Abbotsford B.C. and is in her first year of college. As of right now, Abby is enrolled in General Studies, but she has been leaning towards the Applied Linguistics Program that Briercrest has to offer. Playing the position of point guard, Abby proudly wears jersey number 8. She came to Briercrest because the school presented her with the opportunity to play post-secondary basketball, while being able to pursue a deeper relationship with Jesus through the mentoring of the godly women on my team.
Another contributing factor was the excitement of playing with Hannah (her sister) as she returned from injury.
“Why wouldn’t I want to be able to celebrate my sister success on the floor with her” Abby said.
Apart from being able to play ball with her sister, Abby finds the biggest thing that has stood out about this team is that “we have decided to ride or die together. We’ve been through a lot. Yet despite all that we still show up and play with passion, enthusiasm and heart. And, off the floor we are a family who desires to grow deeper in Christ through asking hard questions, finding joy amongst the broken moments and celebrating in each other’s success.”
As a student athlete, Abigael wishes to attain the best GPA possible and to be diligent with her time, which she hopes will help her with her future. For her basketball life, Abby aims to be an asset both on and off the court, if that means working harder to improve. This she does with the energy and enthusiasm. This is one of her strengths as a player. She works hard and creates for others the space for them to be able to play to their abilities. Abigael brings with her passion through intensity for the love of the game and by building into her teammates lives with positivity and encouragement.
Basketball has played an important part of Klassen’s life. Growing up her family has been a part of the basketball community and therefore, a part of Abby’s life. However, Basketball has taught her that it isn’t her identity, but a tool to use to speak into other people’s lives. She sees the game as a way to give of herself as Christ gave. The game has also taught her that hard work beats talent.
Although Abigael has only been at school for a year, she has made many memories, with a few favourites in mind. Some of them being getting her tongue stuck to a frozen pole, losing a dozen papers because she was too tired to click save, freely worshiping at Surrender, learning how to lift a weight and being able to play alongside Hannah. The year however, truly wouldn't be the same without the friendships she has made and the new love of tea, because it too cold to drink cold drinks in -20 (B.C kid).
A verse that is particularly meaningful for Abby is Isaiah 40:8 “the grass withers the flowers fade but the word of our God stands forever." This verse has been a favourite for her since was twelve and it has continued to stick with her even while attending Briercrest. This verse has shown Abby the fullness of Jesus’s grace. These past months there has been quite a few changes which she has come to understand what it looks like to rely constantly on Gods provision, strength, and grace. Even though there has been a lot of change this year God has been a constant the whole time
Abigael who has a heart of compassion especially for those less fortunate. Her dream is to live in a poverty stricken community and become a doctor there and building a safe place for children without homes to go and pour into them with motherly love. But also providing free medical care for the community. Ultimately, she would love to pursue her education through becoming a teacher and a nurse practitioner, so that she is able to show the gospel to everyone around providing for the needs of the community.
For more info on the Briercrest Basketball teams be sure to "like" Briercrest Basketball on Facebook.