Women’s volleyball comeback falls short in exciting 5-setter

This evening the Briercrest women’s volleyball team faced the Olds College Broncos in a tough 5-game match resulting in a win by the opposing team. The Broncos won the first two games with scores of 25-20 and 25-13, Briercrest won the next two games with scores of 25-20 and 25-19. The last game ended with the Broncos winning, with a score of 16-14.
Briercrest’s Mikayla Reinhardt started off the game with the first serve with the Broncos winning the first point in the game. Amanda Lundquist of Briercrest throughout the set found perfect placement over the opponent’s net to tip over the ball and gain points for the team. Sam Zacharias played a strong set with 4 digs. The final score was in favour of Olds with a score of 25-20.
The second set of the game took off with the Broncos taking a 6-point lead before Briercrest called for a time-out. Zacharias’ serves and Lundquist’s last minute saves were able to keep the team in the game. Erin Anderson responded after another time-out with a huge kill that the Broncos could not return. Unfortunately the visitors won the second set as well, with a final score of 25-13.
Briercrest started off the third set a great deal stronger than the previous two with a kill by Reinhardt just a few points into the game and Janae Rapley, as per usual, brought out her dominating serve to aid the home team thrice in this set. With an assist by Lundquist, Anderson had another kill for the Clippers, just to name one of the many successful plays completed by Briercrest. The set was won by Briercrest with a final score of 25-20!
Starting off the fourth set with intensity was an essential for Briercrest to stay in the game and they did just that. Ali Johnson made a unique save for Briercrest to keep the ball in play and ultimately aided in the winning the point for the team. A long and exciting rally back and forth had every player on both teams involved and Zylstra finished it off with a spike and pushed the score to 20-18. Briercrest defeated Olds in the fourth with a score of 25-19 and made the match last five sets.
Olds started off the final set serving and Zacharias played a huge role this set with kills that came at crucial points in the game. Briercrest was the first to make it to eight points followed by Zacharias’ double service ace. The final set was close with both teams at 14, but Olds picked up the last two points and beat Briercrest 16-14.
The player of the game for the Olds College Broncos was Jamie Craig and for the Briercrest Clippers was Erin Anderson with game high stats of 16 kills, to go with one assist, two blocks and five digs. Sam Zacharias had 11 kills, Amanda Lundquist had a game high 35 assists and Ali Johnson had a game high 19 digs. Fantastic job by the Clippers, despite the final turn out not ending in a win!
Game number two of the weekend will start tomorrow at 1:00PM located in the Briercrest gym.
If you are unable to make the game physically, you can access the game through the online broadcaster at acac.tv. Support the Clippers as they have a chance to come back and win their game tomorrow!
For up to date information on the Briercrest volleyball team, “like” the Briercrest Volleyball facebook page.