Briercrest Athletics announces two coaching changes to the Briercrest men’s and women’s basketball p

There have been two coaching changes to announce for Briercrest College men’s and women’s basketball.
First, Rod Adrian has accepted the opportunity to become the new Briercrest Vice-President of Operations and Finance and has started that role already. He will carry on coaching for the rest of this season. We want to congratulate Rod and look forward to his continued contribution to Briercrest.
Secondly, Will Con has handed in his resignation and is stepping away from coaching the women’s basketball team. Will and I had been discussing the difficult challenges within the women’s basketball team for a while now. Through these conversations we both felt a change was a helpful step and accepting his resignation would be in the best interest for all those involved. We don’t take lightly the optics of the timing and want to reiterate that this is strictly to help move the program forward not because of any specific event. I have appreciated Will’s heart and character in trying to navigate this role and I am impressed with how he tried to show his care and compassion for the girls even through some intense team dynamics. We have decided that having Rod step in to lead this team through the end of the season would be the smoothest for the short term. I appreciate Will and wish him all the best as he moves forward to the next phase in his career.Â
We have launched the search for the new coaches for these programs.
Thank you,
Nigel Mullan
Briercrest Athletic Director