Frimpong came to Briercrest for basketball and to grow in her faith

Tracy Frimpong, #10 is a transfer student from Olds, who has been attending Briercrest for the last three years. She is currently enrolled in the BA Business Administration program. Tracy has high goals for herself both on the court and in the classroom. As a student she aims to achieve the highest GPA for herself in her last year here, and to be able to soak up everything that her professors say in her Biblical classes to later apply in life. Tracy said, “it is such a unique situation to be able to learn about God while completing my business degree.”
When asked why she chose to come to Briercrest, Tracy answered, “God of course, although I didn’t realize it at the time. I previously played for Olds College and I was ready to move on and continue my degree. I looked at colleges that offered the Business degree and at that time I had also been searching for something in life but wasn’t really sure what. I was raised in a Christian home, but at that point in my life I didn’t really know if I could really call myself a ‘Christian’. So, once I came across Briercrest as a school I could potentially go to I decided to come here and strengthen my relationship with Christ as well as play the sport I love.”
So for, her favourite moments with her team have been the road trips. Yet she finds what special about her team here is that they are able to compete at a high level of basketball but still be able to love each other the way God wants them to.
Basketball has played a huge role in Tracy’s life and has taught her that hard work does pay off and how to work as a team with others. It continues to teach her to be competitive in a caring matter to those around her.
Tracy’s biggest strengths are that she is able to adapt well to certain situations and to bring passion to all that she does. During games and practices, Frimpong is a vocal leader. She brings intensity, purpose and passion.
Philippians 4:13 is a Bible verse that has become important in Tracy’s life. The reason being, that even through the tough times and wanting to give up, God has shown her that if she goes to Him and gives everything to Him, He will give strength to overcome any problems and situations.
Tracy has many goals and dreams once she is done here at Briercrest. Upon graduating from the Business Admin program, Frimpong would like to go and get her Education after-degree to become an elementary teacher. She would also like to get married, have kids and become heavily involved in the local church wherever God leads her. Her ultimate goal and Ambition however, is to one day coach in the ACAC. If there was nothing to stop her, Tracy would love to travel the world and give hope to people who are in desperate situation in ways that include time, words of encouragement, or money,
This is Tracy’s last year to be playing in the ACAC and we wish her well.