Get to know your RD - Korey Reimer

I sat down with Korey Reimer to chat about himself and his upcoming year.
(Spencer in bold - Korey in regular text)
Korey, where are you from?
I'm from Lethbridge, Alberta.
That's a nice place.
Yeah, it's alright. It's windy.
Well, you're right at home in Caronport, then.
Yep. I moved from one windy spot to the next. I love hurricanes.
So, next up is the Windy City.
I will never move to Chicago.
Okay then! What brought you to Briercrest?
It was probably because all of my family went here. My parents came here, my brother came here, and I have lots of reletives who went here.
Very cool. When did you graduate from here and what with?
I graduated in 2012 with a BA Global Studies.
What are you most excited for in this new role?
Being able to work with students and having the opportunity to walk along side them as Jesus transforms their lives.
What is your vision for your Whit this year?
I really want to see the dorm become united and I really want them to capture a vision of hope; to embrace the hope that we have. To become expectant of big things beacuse that is the God that we serve. I want people to start embracing the freedom that God calls us to.
That's so great. If you had to try one flavour of ice cream for the first time, which flavour would you choose?
Anything cheesecake. You always get these cheesecake flavoured ice cream with fruit in them, and I'm always hesitant. It makes an already unhealthy snack even more unhealthy.
But there's fruit in it!
No, this is like your yogurt thing! Just because there is fruit in it, doesn't make it fruit! It's flavoured fruit. This is like when when you thought yogurt was fruit because there was fruit chunks in it.
That was a great day. I learned so much from you that day. You really opened my eyes. Thank you.
I just remember wondering what the heck you were talking about. It's not fruit!
Moving on! What's the best part about dorm life at Briercrest?
Becoming really close with the guys in your dorm, having a brotherhood.
If you had 10,000$ to spend on yourself, what would you do with it?
I would spend it on probably a new road bike.
10 grand on a bike?!
Carbon fibre, baby.
Wow. Josh said he'd go to Switzerland.
Yeah, but I could take this $10,000 bike and bike across all of Canada. Take that, Josh.
Yeah! Are you a dog or a cat person?
Ask Bailey.
Is that your cat?
No, that's my dog.
Well, now I know. What's a crazy thing you've done as a student?
I can say something in competition with Josh! I stayed up the majority of the times I had a paper. 70% of the papers I wrote took an entire night.
Well done. What's the sport you're worst at?
What's the one where you ride on horses and play golf?
Polo, I think.
Yeah! That's it. I suck at golf, and the only time I rode a horse, I fell off and bruised my back. It's not a good combination.