Manitobas Vogt brings experience to inaugural Briercrest softball team

Briercrest softball is proud to announce the commitment of New Bothwell, Manitoba’s Laura Vogt for the inaugural 2014-15 season in the Western Collegiate Softball Association (WCSA).
Briercrest softball head coach Carlie Pagens is excited to have Vogt on her team for this coming season.
“I am excited to have Laura coming to play with us this fall,” Pagens said. “Laura is a hard working determined athlete with a great attitude. As a pitcher who also shows confidence as a catcher and infielder, she will be an asset to us this season.”
The 5’ 4” pitcher/catcher brings a wealth of experience to the new Briercrest team this fall.
“I've played with my school team for the past three years, the Steinbach Regional Secondary School Sabres. I’ve also played ‘A’ ball for Manitoba Thunder for a year in Grade 9 and played with another ‘A’ ball team this year called the Manitoba Angels.”
Vogt has experienced quite a bit of success in her young career.
“In Grade 10, when I played with the Sabres, we came in second at provincials,” Vogt said. “And, after that we have done fairly well in high school, we have been a strong team. Softball has been a big part of my life during high school. My high school team has won many tournaments while I've been playing on it.”
Vogt has played in several American tournaments with her club teams.
“This year, I went down to Minnesota with the Angels,” Vogt said. “We ended up coming first in the silver division. I’ve done tons of travelling in the States with the ‘A’ ball teams. I have played on, and have done fairly well down there.”
Vogt is excited to bring her game to Briercrest this fall.
“I'm looking forward to playing some softball, growing closer to God and becoming a stronger person through Christ,” she said. “And, I’m also looking forward to furthering my education.”
For more information on Briercrest Softball like the Facebook page.