High flying outside hitter having impact at Briercrest

Jachin Karg #11, Outside, Chestemere, AB, 2nd Year, BA in Business
The expectations are soaring for a high flying Chestermere volleyball player.
Jachin Karg, a second year outside hitter for Briercrest, brings a lot of athleticism to the court, according to assistant coach Paul Armbruster.
“Jachin might have the highest ceiling of talent of anyone on our team,” Armbruster said. “You combine his God given talents and the fact that he is so respectful and wants to improve, it makes him a joy to coach. He is a competitor but also soft-hearted, which is pretty cool to see.”
While Karg’s incredible vertical makes him a physical force at the net, Jachin isn’t just all “spiketown”, according to Armbruster. The coach said he is a well-rounded player that plays great defense, can float or spin serve effectively, provides some large blocks, and has a good feel for passing.
“It has been great to see Jachin grow and mature, on and off the court, this year. He is working hard at improving his game and has the potential to be a very good player in this league,” Armbruster explained.
Karg has really enjoyed the “family atmosphere” at Briercrest. This was one of the main things that drew him to Briercrest when being recruited and he enjoys being on a tight knit team.
He also enjoys the book study the team does for the guys to get together and talk and grow in their faith.
Some of his best memories so far as a student and athlete were hosting provincials, the student event Briercrest Olympics, and developing quality relationships.
Keep up the high flying #11, we look forward to you reaching new heights in your Clipper career!!