Wanvig: Armed with a Smile and Impeccable Work Ethic

Amy Wanvig, #14, is playing her first year of college basketball with Briercrest women’s basketball. She is working towards a degree in the TESOL program. As a post, she brings a level of energy and excitement to the team. She already impresses her teammates and her coach with her athletic skills.
“Amy is a leader on our team, she leads by example in the way that she approaches the game through attitude and work ethic,” Briercrest women’s basketball head coach, Chad Romanuk, says. “She is leading our team in points per game as well as field goal percentage, which is a direct result of the extra time and effort she puts in outside of practice. Amy is a very talented player who finishes well around the basket and has a great midrange shot. She has been a joy to coach and I look forward to seeing her excel as she plays out her career here at Briercrest.”
Amy answered right away when asked about her reason for choosing Briercrest.
“The Lord, obviously!” she declares. “And, a desire to pursue a calling into TESOL. Also, having a spot on the basketball team definitely helped bring me here too.”
During her short time at Briercrest, Amy has already developed strong friendships with the women on the team. All of her favorite moments were moments she had with them.
“Road trips are a lot of fun,” she explains. “And I love playing pickup basketball against the White Knights and their friends, but probably some of my favorite moments are the team dance parties we have in the gym to sick clean beats. Actually, I don't think they can really be called dance parties. Claire and I are the only ones who ever dance. Everyone else just laughs and takes videos. I always get so excited that I have a bunch of snapchats when I check my phone after, but they are always just of me dancing...”
These relationships have been made easy by the character of the team.
“This team is made up of a bunch of girls and coaching staff who love basketball and Jesus. That is pretty cool!” she explains. “I love that we get to pray before and after practices and games and that we are seeking to glorify the Lord together through the game of basketball.”
She laughed when asked about her athletic goals.
“You want me to share my goals? Oh boy! We are getting personal here,” she joked. “Well, my goals as a student are to do the best that I can, and learn as much as I can. But I don't just want a bunch of head knowledge. My head is already too big as it is. I want what I learn to change my heart. As an athlete, I want to continue to learn how to be a selfless leader. I want to keep developing as a basketball player, and I want to be an asset to whichever team I am apart of. At the end of every workout, practice and game I want to be able to say, ‘I gave it my all. I literally did the best that I could’.”
Her strengths become very apparent when one sees her in practice and in games.
“What do I bring to the team? I bring my work ethic and a smile. I love basketball and I try to make that love evident to the team by the way I play,” she says. “Basketball is hard sometimes, but if you can find joy even in those times, life is good!”
Her life ambitions go further than basketball. In fact, Amy has aspirations to teach.
“After Briercrest, I want to teach English. I am not sure where yet. That is part of the adventure!” she says, enthusiastically. “And, well, you know? I kind of want to get married at some point.”