Wendel is a hometown game changer

Posted: November 1, 2013

Josh Wendel, #8, 4th year, Middle, General Studies, Caronport, SK

“When there’s something strange in the neighborhood, who ya going to call…”, well for the Briercrest Men’s Volleyball Team, its Josh Wendel.

Coach Mullan has Josh on speed dial, and whether he needs a kill in a pressure situation, a big block, or some energy to lift the team, Josh comes through.

“Wendy” is in his 4th year at Briercrest, and the fact that he was from just around the block in Caronport High School and his Mom teaches in the College, made it a logical move and a great fit for both the program and Josh.  

As a three-year starter, Josh has grown in leaps and bounds into a force to be reckoned with. The consistency, athleticism, and energy that he brings to the team has brought recognition in the form of Most Improved 2009-10, MVP 2012-13, and ACAC 2nd Team All-Conference 2012-13.

“Josh is a game changer with his offensive and defensive abilities. He plays with a contagious energy that heightens the influence he has on his teammates and those around him,” says Coach Mullan.

It’s great to see the humility that Josh models, always being about the team first.  Josh has really enjoyed his years here at Briercrest and winning ACAC Gold, hosting ACAC provincials, coaching the High School Cougars team and summer Briercrest volleyball camps have been some of the highlights. The friendships and team unity have made the time fly by and after Josh graduates he plans to enter the work force.

Something that people probably wouldn’t know about Josh is that he really likes video games. Some other of number eight’s favorite things in life are Prov. 12:23, Watermelon, Lord of the Rings, Lacombe, Alberta, Settlers of Cataan, Lamborghini Aventador, and Batman.

And with all this talk of superheroes and super ability, it’s fitting that Josh has some super big goals he wants to accomplish this year…and in typical Josh fashion, accomplish with humility.