Myers provides maturity and leadership as he returns for fifth year

Posted: January 18, 2013

By Jadon Frank

If Briercrest shooting guard Matt Myers could spend a day with five people dead or alive he would pick Abraham Lincoln, William Carey, Nelson Mandela, William Wilberforce and Martin Luther King Jr. These selections reveal the kind of heart that Matt Myers has for this World.

The fifth year student-athlete actually took the 2011-12 season off to do missions in India where he served in an orphanage for part of the year before coming back to compete in his final season at Briercrest.

Briercrest head coach Rod Adrian appreciates this perspective that Myers brings to the team.

“He’s a steady leader, and provides a passion for Christ evidenced in his prayer for others and desire to grow in his faith,” Adrian said. “We missed him last year, as he went on the mission’s trip to India, but we appreciate his return with a sense of urgency to win balanced with a perspective on ministry.”

The 6’ 3” Olympia, Washington native wants to serve his teammates this year.

“I really want to get better at being consistent,” Myers said. “If I can be consistent for the team, as a leader and they know what I’m bringing to practices and games every day then I think that could be huge for us and for me too. Just giving everything I can and staying positive. Pushing and bringing the level up and setting the bar high.”

Coach Adrian has observed this consistency and leadership in Myers this season.

“Matt Myers is a leader amongst leaders.  He brings a competitive nature to our team with a winning smile and athletic confidence that comes from years of competition and life experience.  When we need a special play, Matt is our go to guy.  Just watch him shoot the basketball closely and you will see one of the most fundamentally sound shots in our league.  He’s a great teammate and is currently second in the ACAC in assists, and works hard on both ends of the court earning him the seventh spot for rebounding in the south conference.” 

The Biblical Studies student has loved the unique aspects of the 2012-13 version of the Briercrest men’s basketball team.

“I think this year might be one of the funniest teams I’ve ever played on,” Myers said. “I don’t think my stomach has ever hurt so bad from just riding in the bus and joking around and stuff. That is going to be a lot of fun this year. We are a really close team.  Not every team I have played on has been close and this team is really close. There are a lot of things to look forward to, especially with the guys and the relationships.”

Myers is excited for this year and what it will hold.

“As a student, I just want to hold on to what I learn this year. It is my last year in the program, so I want to learn everything I can from the classes and from the professors. Pick the professors’ brains and try to hold onto everything I can from them.  And take that to where ever I go next. As an athlete, I have this one year left, so I want to do as well as I can. To go out there and be as dominant as I can on the court and help the team in any way I can. As a team I hope we can go for that ACAC championship and if we can compete and stay in every game then I think we have a chance.

Before moving to Caronport to play basketball Myers competed for Trinity Western University in the CIS.

“After a couple of years I had to make a little transition and Briercrest was the next step,” Myers said. “Briercrest was the place where the doors opened. So, I came out to the Prairies and I could do both, play basketball and study the Bible, so it was good!”

As Myers enters the last semester of his ACAC career he reflects on his experience.

“I have a lot of moments that I would love to freeze, that I would love to hold on to,” Myers explained. “Lots of times in the dorms, lots of time with some roommates I have had, especially in my second year here. There have been some times of worship, some times of playing hoops, and laughs.”

Myers’ mission trip to India might be a preview of what the not so distant future holds for him.

“I’d love to spend a couple of years and travel and see the world,” Myers said. “Take in a little bit more of other cultures and hopefully learn from them and learn from that time travelling. And if there are ways along the way that I could serve or be of use then that would be awesome!”