Gasmo plays with the heart of a giant

Posted: November 16, 2012

By Jadon Frank

Brennan Gasmo has never let his 5’7” stature stand in his way.

In fact, the second year centre personifies a lot of his favourites. His favourite quote is “It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” His favourite movies are “Remember the Titans” and “Rudy.” His favourite song is “Don’t Stop Believin’” by Journey. And if he could give a piece of advice it would be “believe in yourself, you can do anything through Christ Jesus.”

The business student was unable to play hockey for two years after getting in a car accident but he continued to pursue his dream of playing hockey at the next level. In order to accomplish this he spent the 2010-11 season at the Banff Hockey Academy before coming to Briercrest.

“I still wanted to play hockey and still had a love for the game. So, hockey was the catalyst in coming to Briercrest, but I still wanted to grow stronger in my faith,” Gasmo said. “My family has always believed and had faith in God, but just through life we got busy. With hockey on Sundays we missed church a lot. I lost a brother and my other brother has had heart surgery, so my mom and dad and I have become more prevalent in praying.”

Briercrest head coach Dalton Stoltz has been very impressed with what he has seen from Gasmo this year.

“He has the heart of a champion,” Stoltz said. “He never gives up, and doesn’t know 50%.”

“Growing up I was always told I have a big heart, so that would be my biggest strength,” Gasmo said. “I have a heart for people. That is what God has given me. My heart and hard work, they come hand in hand for me as a person. On the ice, I bring heart and energy. I am a cheery, positive kind of guy that can pick people up and then when it is my turn go out there and give all I have. My parents taught me that at a young age and it is imbedded in my blood.”

Gasmo has felt blessed during his time at Briercrest, and noticed many personal changes.

“Coming out of junior, there is such a gross lifestyle there, so it is hard to have a faith and have good morals,” Gasmo said. “But, this team has changed my view on life, how to be a good man. Everyone is there for you. Coming here, there are ups and downs, but there are guys here pushing you through those ups and downs. Everyone is working for one common goal, to glorify the Lord and to make playoffs. It is good to be on the same page.”

“My goal as a student is to work hard and whatever mark comes, but I want to retain the information,” Gasmo said. “This stuff teaches you about life and how to be a good person. As an athlete, I want to be the best athlete I can, whatever the team needs from me I want to provide for them.  I will continue to work hard and do the best I can.”

Gasmo had a really special weekend during his rookie season.

“My favourite moment at Briercrest was the big breakout for me playing quite a bit in the Portage series here where we beat them both games,” the Warman native said. “The one game fell on the night which would have been my brother’s 18th birthday, so winning the game for him and getting the game puck with my brother’s name on it was pretty amazing.”

Gasmo has a great heart for this world, and specifically for the country of Haiti.

“If money were no issue I would love to go back to Haiti and keep serving there! I know that is not what most people would do, but for me that is where my heart was and after those two weeks of serving there I felt amazing,” Gasmo said. “I would love to learn the language and stay there for maybe a year and make a difference. I know they made a difference in my life, but also to help them and let them know that there are people over here in North America who care about what they go through and we’re not cold hearted. We could learn from them in the way they worship and their passion for the Lord, it is unbelievable.”

Gasmo is excited for what the future at Briercrest holds.

“My greatest moment in life so far, non-athletically, was this past summer in Haiti. I got baptized in the Caribbean Ocean,” Gasmo said. “God’s got great things in store for me, and this is only year two! My career ambition is to own a business, and on holidays go on mission trips.”