Captain Larson may be short in stature, but is having large impact this season

Posted: November 16, 2012

By Jadon Frank

As one of only three returning players this season, co-captain Brittany Larson leads and earns respect with hard work.

The second year point guard from Birch Hills, SK has already made a great impression on coach Chad Romanuk this season.

“Brittany is one of the hardest workers I have ever coached, she is an amazing leader by example, and all of her teammates respect her because of it,” coach Romanuk said. “She is the type of player that always wants feedback on how she can improve and actually thanks you when you criticize her.” 

“My biggest strength as a person is that I am very committed, and anything I am committed to I will go hard. And I am also very passionate,” Larson said. “For the team I think I can bring that competitiveness, passion and energy.”

Romanuk has been very impressed with how well Larson has stepped into her expanded role this season.

“Brittany was asked to take on a very big role this year; being a captain in only her second year, as well as starting at the point guard position, which is a very demanding position,” Romanuk said. “Her natural ability, eagerness to develop her skill, and her willingness to grow and learn about what it takes to be a leader make her an amazing leader as well as an amazing asset to our team.”

“As a student, I want to do the best that I can,” Larson said. “As an athlete, I obviously want to get better at basketball, but also want to become a better leader.”

Larson is excited for what this season holds and the potential that each of the young players brings to the team.

“We are very young and we have a really competitive nature, and lots of energy,” Larson said. “Our goal is to win, but it goes much further than that. We are here to also grow closer to God, which is really sweet, and something that other schools might not offer.”

The education student, majoring in Kinesiology, attended Caronport High School (CHS) before transitioning to the college. In Grade 12 she helped lead CHS to provincials in both basketball and volleyball.

“I went to high school here so I always knew that Briercrest was such a good place to play ball and study and get a good degree and of course grow closer to God,” Larson said. “Once I get my teaching degree my dream job would be becoming a gym teacher and coaching high school one day.”

Summer 2012 Larson went to Haiti on a Briercrest missions trip and it was one of her greatest moments in life.

“If I could do anything to make the world better it would be to reach out to those who are looking for love in all the wrong places,” Larson said.

“I would say that my parents have had a huge influence in my life because they have been so involved and supportive throughout every part of my life,” Larson said.

The simple advice of Larson’s mother reflects the influence that Brittany’s parents have had on how she approaches every aspect of life.

“Britt, just do your best,” said the elder Larson.