Theodore (Ted) Dale Bergren

April 22, 1917 - March 21, 2012
Dad went into the presence of the Lord on Wednesday, March 21, 2012. He was predeceased by his beloved wife Grace, infant son John, parents Theodore and Agnes Bergren, sister Lorraine, brother Howard, great-granddaughter Kailey, and Grace's siblings and spouses. He is survived by his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren: Marilyn & Harvey Zink (Glenn & Bonnie Zink - Chevelle, Jeannette; Kent Zink - Riley, Chad, Bailey; Shauna Zink); Charlotte & Doug Coddington; Dale & Patti Bergren (Rob & Donita Bergren - Braden; Andrea & Jeff Barnhardt - Janaya, Jaron, Micah; Trisha & Brendan Dyck - Carter, Cohen, Jaxon); Doug & Karen Bergren (Chris Bergren, Jennifer & Jesse Hein, Angela & Adam Sapelak). He is also survived by sisters-in-law Freda Bergren and Vina Envik, and numerous nieces and nephews.
Dad was the second child born on the farm to Ted and Agnes, a pioneering family in the Viscount, SK district. Life consisted of hard physical work, church activities, and social gatherings in various homes. Dad and his two siblings went to school in Viscount. Music was a big part of their family's life as they had a piano, and many social gatherings were held at their home. Dad played the guitar and mouth organ, and also took piano lessons which he didn't enjoy at the time. In his teenage years, the family listened to Christian radio broadcasts. Through the radio ministry of Reverend Oscar Lowry, Dad and his father recognized their need of a personal relationship with the Lord. One of the broadcasts listened to was the Young People's Hour from Briercrest Bible Institute (BBI). Dad enrolled at BBI for the fall of 1939. His first day there, he laid eyes on Mom and it was love at first sight (she needed a bit of time to see eye to eye but she came around). They were married in 1941.
In the fall of 1951, the family moved to Caronport for the winter as Dad volunteered his time to work wherever manpower was needed. For the following eight winters, he worked in the Caronport store with Art Sundbo who was dealing with some health issues at the time and needed help. In 1958, the family moved for the last time to Caronport as Dad had accepted a position as the first business manager. It was his goal to stretch donors' gifts to aid the growth of the school so young people could train for ministry. As well, he took on some of the day-to-day operations of Dr. Hildebrand in order to free him up for his full-time teaching/preaching load. Dad worked for Briercrest College and Seminary for 30 years. One of the dorms was named Dad and Mom's honour in 1992.
In retirement, the folks wintered in Victoria and visited Spain when Doug and Karen were there with GMU. They enjoyed 10 years in their condo in Saskatoon. Due to Mom's health, they moved to Regina to be closer to family. Dad spent another eight years at the Marian Chateau where music became his solace and ministry as he played the piano every morning for the exercise group. On Sundays he played favourite hymn requests for various residents during breakfast. Watching Gaither and travel videos became his favourite pastime as his sight declined and reading became difficult. One of his last statements during his last days was: "I have had such an interesting life and I have such wonderful memories. I just want to be with the Lord and Grace."