Goverment consultant recommends expansion of degree-granting power
In response to a study launched by the provincial government last spring, education consultant Alex Usher recently released a report recommending that degree granting powers be expanded to institutions beyond the province’s two universities.
A working group with representatives from the government, University of Regina, University of Saskatchewan, SIAST and Briercrest College and Seminary will now be set up to consider the recommendations.
The result could change education policy and legislation which would allow Briercrest to offer degrees beyond theology. A decision in this area should come by spring 2012.
“Friday’s press release was another significant milestone,” Dwayne Uglem, President of Briercrest College and Seminary said. “What this signals is that the idea of degree granting status is going to be taken very seriously. I think the Alex Usher report is a very well-written report – a very astute and wise approach moving forward and I think it serves Briercrest really well.”