Golding receives academic honours

Posted: August 4, 2011

By Julie Cole

Corbin Golding. Submitted photo.

Corbin Golding is a man of many talents.

The biblical studies major received top academic honours at Briercrest College and Seminary’s graduation last May.

The Moose Jaw resident originally went to the University of Regina to study filmmaking.

“I wasn’t really enjoying it too much,” he stated. “I started feeling more and more called to go to Bible school, and Briercrest was the only thing that came to mind. After my first semester here it was like, ‘This is really what I want to do.’”

Golding says he particularly remembers his first Briercrest class with New Testament professor David Miller.

“I remember being really intimidated,” he remarked. “He’s this really academic guy — someone who I thought was really intellectual. Over the years I’ve gotten closer to him and sort of strove to be like him.”

Miller enjoyed having Golding as a student.

“Corbin is a delight to have in class,” he said. “(He’s a) fine writer, an excellent student with substantive and perceptive classroom contributions, and a refined sense of humour.”

Golding uses this wit in writing a humour column for the Moose Jaw Express weekly newspaper.

“I really like comedy,” he admitted. “I always think about doing standup, but in small town Moose Jaw there aren’t really many options. Moving somewhere like New York would be really intimidating.”

Golding refocused his energy for standup comedy towards humorous writing because it’s “not as intimidating.”

“The thing about writing comedy instead of performing it is I have no idea if people think it’s funny. The only way I know is they keep asking for more articles.”

After graduation Golding plans on pursuing his master’s degree in historical theology at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland.

“I’d like to teach, eventually,” he said. “I really like the ancient medieval sort of periods (of history). I think that’s what I’m going to try and focus on when I do my master’s study.”


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