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Our first ever Briercrest Giving Day was a big success - surpassing the $50,000 goal we set out to raise in one day with a total of  $93,160 in donations.

Hit the button below for the details on the response.

News Post


We are inviting you to consider making a financial year end gift to Briercrest to help us Extend the Light of Briercrest’s ministry on the longest day of the year.  This unprecedented event is your chance to be part of our legacy that started nearly 89 years ago. Your generous giving has enabled us to achieve so much this year, from capital projects to scholarships; your support has made a significant difference.

But we need you now more than ever.

Our Briercrest Education Fund is currently $850,000 short of what we need, and only through your help can we bridge this gap. This isn't a task for one individual or a small group; it is an opportunity for the entire Briercrest community to come together, contribute, and continue the good work God has started here.

Make a difference in someone's life on Briercrest Giving Day.

President Michael Pawelke

Hear from President Michael Pawelke on our fiscal year end.

Matching Gift

One of our donors has generously offered to match first time donations up to $10,000. This means if you have never donated before, your gift will have double the impact. Any donation from someone who has not made a donation since 2021 will also have their donation matched up to $10,000.

We will be sharing a variety of videos, information, and a tally of the donations throughout the day today.  If you want us to let you know when new pieces are added, leave us your name and email and we will send you notices!

* indicates required

Consider committing a gift as Rob Chartrand commits himself to a physically challenging task.

Prairie Fire

This 1990s production showcases life at Briercrest and its humble beginnings.

Hour of Power
Briercrest Christian Academy
Briercrest College
Briercrest Seminary
Prairie Fire

14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Matthew 5:14-16

My time at Briercrest has inspired me to imitate Christ in the workplace and reveal how the principles that founded the church of Christ are integral to the sustainability and relevance of businesses in our world.

Hannah Spalding Business and Administration

I think the opportunity for my son to grow and have these opportunities and then to develop these relationships with his professors is phenomenal. I would have loved to have done that — to have that relationship mentorship.

Marcy Dymtrow Parent

It's a lot different than a secular school. You start with prayer, you end with prayer and it's very integrated with your faith. You can see how it applies to your faith as well as other areas of your life.

Mercy AdebogunStudent

I was, and still am, blown away by the quality of education I received. Growing up in a predominantly Christian context made my faith and learning stagnant. Being educated by professors at Briercrest opened my mind and helped me develop critical thinking and dialoguing skills. I have a rich appreciation for and a deepened knowledge of psychological and theological principles because of my time at Briercrest.

Ali McMasterStudent

To be discipled by my education, to me, means that people are coming alongside me to mentor me in what I’m learning, challenging me to grow, and walking with me in whatever questions I may have. These are all things I’ve continually had in my years at Briercrest

Steven LoftingBriercrest Videographer

Our programs, dorm programs, leadership opportunities and community are all designed to help young people explore and solidify their faith while preparing them for their future.
These are our main priorities:

Godly Mentorship

Christian Community

Biblical Education

High-Level Academics

Leadership Opportunities

Local Church Engagement

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