Sitting at the Feet of a Columbian Church Planter with Hernando Munoz

Newcomers are arriving to Canada from around the world, including Latin America. What is God up to? In this episode of CITN, we speak with Hernando Munoz about his adventures in church planting in both Toronto and Calgary. We talk about the unique intercultural model of First Alliance Church as well as how God is at work in Latin America - and what that means for Canada. Hernando is the Spanish Congregation Pastor at First Alliance Church in Calgary.
For more information, visit
In the pre-show, Rob, Kate and Geoff discuss two articles (which Rob assigned as homework) that explore how people groups are on the move in the world today. They also talk about the shift that has taken place in global Christianity in the last century - away from the western world and toward Asia, Africa, and Latin America resulting in the first ever "truly global faith." For more information about the podcast, visit For questions or inquiries, please email us at If you like what you hear, please share this podcast with others, give us a review, or leave a comment.
You can find the articles discussed in the pre-show here: