Co-Pastoring, Mergers, and Multi-Site with Brandon and Emma Richardson

Posted: September 16, 2024
Church in the North

How do you lead through successive seasons of rapid change? In this episode of CITN, we speak with Brandon and Emma Richardsons about church planting, growth, mergers, and multi-site. We also discuss co-pastoring as a couple and navigating family in ministry. Brandon and Emma are the founding planters of SLATE Church and Co-Pastors of BASE Church in Waterloo, ON. For more information about their church visit 

In the pre-show, Rob, Geoff, and Kaitlin discuss volunteer recruitment and placement. They also talk about how to involve new believers or people still investigating faith. For more information about the podcast, visit For questions or inquiries, please email us at  If you like what you hear, please share this podcast with others, give us a review, or leave a comment.