Having a Meal Together

Posted: May 20, 2014

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me” (Revelation 3:20).

I was not raised in a Christian home but I do recall attending a Sunday School on occasion. During one of those rare occasions I received a picture (you’ve all seen it!) of Jesus knocking on a door and waiting for a response. As a child I remember finding a sense of peace from just looking at this picture although I didn’t understand what the verse meant. This text is often used as an evangelistic passage – but actually, when we examine the context more closely we find that this message is spoken to a church, albeit an unhealthy one.

Regardless of the culture, having a meal together is associated with friendship and fellowship. This passage is an invitation from Jesus to His children to dine with him; to enjoy a time of relationship, conversation, intimacy. I love Jesus and I love the mission of the church. I feel so blessed to be a part of an institution that has as its mission the training and shaping of lives for the advancement of the purposes of Christ. But I confess that there are times when I put more energy in the work of Christ than I do in my relationship with Christ. I suspect this is true of you too from time to time.

Today – Jesus is knocking and He wants a meal with you and me! Let’s enjoy Him. Yes, we will get to our work – but first, a meal together.

Partnering together,
