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College Chaplain Jason Wendel and Professor Joel Houston host a live webinar to cap off their conversation about predestination and atonement.
College Chaplain Jason Wendel and Matt Blackaby look at Matthew 13 and discuss how the Kingdom of Heaven is worth more than everything we have.
Briercrest College chaplain Jason Wendel and Matt Blackaby discuss the radical call to discipleship in Luke 14.
Jason and Matt take a look at Jesus' prayer in Gethsemane and what it means for Jesus to pray that not His will, but the Father's be done.
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Showing 21 to 31 of 57 posts.
Why a Christian Gap Year Will Give You the Spiritual Foundation You're Looking For
The Kaléo program is a Canadian Christian gap-year program on Vancouver Island focused on leadership, academics, ministry, community, and adventure. Read about the difference a year at Kaléo can make in your walk with God below!
Yes, We Do Chapel Daily at Briercrest. Here's Why it Matters.
Daily chapels have become almost non-existent, even at Christian colleges and universities. But at Briercrest, we believe that chapel is a vital part of our daily spiritual formation. Here's why the opportunity to gather daily for chapel matters.